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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lupines at Steptoe Butte, WA

Lupine and Balsalm Root against the setting sun at Setptoe Butte in eastern Washington.

This is a manual blend of 5 images (HDR) shot at various shutter speeds to capture the wide dynamic range presented by the setting sun backlighting the lupine. Lupine were illuminated by a 2 foot reflector held to the right of the camera in this shot. ISO was boosted to try to capture the flowers with less movement under slightly windy conditions.

Canon 5D Mark II, EF17-40 f/4.0L at 17mm and f/16, shutter speeds ranging from 1/8 sec to 1/250 sec.

Also at:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/touchinglightphotography/5831512794/ and http://www.touchinglightphotography.com/Landscape/Palouse-LupinesAtSteptoe.htm

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