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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Reflection Lake Star Trails (toned)

Taken last weekend at 9:45 PM on Friday evening, I shot this photo of a stars over Mt. Rainier. In contrast to the images where I was aiming to capture the Milky Way, here I did not want too many stars trailing across the sky. To large an aperture and too high an ISO could end up producing a pretty noisy image with a nearly white sky (from too many star trails). Here I shot the image by leaving the shutter open for 30 minutes (plus a 30 min long-exposure noise reduction blank image...for a total of 1 hour) - and I did so with no moon in the sky - so Mt. Rainier is illuminated by the stars alone.

Technical Details: Canon 5D MK II at ISO400, Canon 17-40mm f/4L lens at 17 mm and at f/4. In-camera long exposure noise reduction on.

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