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Friday, June 5, 2009

I'm still here...

This is a quick blog entry...just a place holder...to say that I'm still here. I have been so swamped with work, family, and projects (and my Mom's upcoming 90th birthday party) that I have had virtually no time to get out for photography or process what I have managed to shoot. Someday soon though, I promise to get out to take more photos and to get around to updating this blog.

1 comment:

Betty Spann Photography said...

Hi Richard - I was reading your entry about focus concerns with your new lens. I was given a new Nikkor AF-S 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR. I wanted the wider angle lens and thought I wanted the vibration reduction (IS in Canon-speak). I'm still not happy with the focus - it seems to be hit or miss - mostly miss - just too soft. I keep going back to my 50mm prime lens (f/1.8) or the 18-55mm kit lens. Let me know if you find the magic answer to the focus problem.