This photo (taken 8/10/2007) is a composite (digital equivalent of a "double-exposure") with the first image taken at sunset using a Canon 5D camera, Canon 24mm TSE (tilt-shift) lens shifted about 6 degrees, f/16, 1.3 sec, ISO 100, with a 2-stop split-neutral density filter (to tone down the highlights in the snow fields on Mt. Adams). The second exposure (the star trails) was taken at 10:20 PM (on August 10, 2007) ISO 250, f3.5, 30 minutes (I was trying to catch the Perseids meteor shower, but very few meteors were visible, and only one is visible in this image (barely)).
At this time of the year, this meteor shower directs meteors directly over Mt. Adams (pointed straight at the peak!), but this year's display wasn't too brilliant! Nonetheless, the lake was remarkably still, with a hint of fog over the water and still enough to reflect the stars flawlessly for the full 30 minute exposure...a grand show!